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Coalition of County Unions Affiliates


American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees, District Council 36, AFL-CIO

AFSCME District Council 36 represents over 6,000 Los Angeles County workers in nine local unions, including LA County Auto Equipment & Repair Local 119 (including Law Enforcement Vehicle and Paramedic Helicopter Mechanics), LA County Probation Officers Local 685, LA County Agricultural Inspectors Local 830, LA County Supervising Child Support Officers Local 1083, LA County Physicians' Assistants Local 1271, LA County PMA Professional Managers Association Local 1967, LA County Psychiatric Social Workers Local 2712, LA County Supervising Psychiatric Social Workers Local 3511, and LA County Child Support Attorneys.


American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees Local 685, AFL-CIO

Local 685 was founded in 1945 by a group of World War II veterans who sought to create an outstanding Probation Department for Los Angeles County. Local 685 is charged with the responsibility of protecting the rights of members within the L.A. County Probation Department, as well as those employed by the Department of Children and Family Services.

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Association of Deputy District Attorneys, MEBA, AFL-CIO

The Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA) is the professional association for the deputy district attorneys (DDAs) of Los Angeles County.  The ADDA negotiated their first contract in 2010 and are committed to improving the working lives of members through representation and negotiation with the County.


Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, MEBA, AFL-CIO

ALADS was formed in 1970 by ten deputy sheriffs who joined together to collectively resolve a dispute. ALADS has grown and now represents more than 7,500 Deputy Sheriffs and District Attorney Investigators.


Association of Public Defender Investigators, MEBA, AFL-CIO

A.P.D.I. was certified as a Union in 1985 and now represents a diverse group of more than 100 L.A. County Public Defender Investigators and Alternate Public Defender Investigators. A.P.D.I members are responsible for Investigating a wide variety of criminal cases ranging from Special Circumstance - Death Penalty cases to misdemeanor cases, including Juvenile Delinquency cases, throughout Los Angeles County. We are the largest Public Defender Office in the Nation, with the largest number of Investigators in the nation.  


California Association of Professional Employees, MEBA, AFL-CIO

CAPE was formed in 1964 and now represents a diverse group of more than 2,500 L.A. County professional engineers, technicians, appraisers and inspectors. CAPE members are responsible of the issuances of more than 25,000 building and construction permits every year throughout L.A. County. 


California Federation of Interpreters, CWA Local 39000, AFL-CIO

CFI provides collective bargaining, representation and other advocacy services to employee foreign language interpreters working in the California trial courts. CFI is the exclusive representative of more than 800 interpreters employed in the state trial courts in four regional bargaining units, and advocates for almost 150 other individuals in its Interpreter Guild of America and Freelance units within the local.


Committee of Interns and Residents, SEIU, 1957

CIR represents more than 1,500 resident physicians at Los Angeles county hospitals, LAC+USC and Harbor-UCLA. CIR has 14,000 members across the country, and the first doctor's union in the country to negotiate an agreement addressing patient care. CIR is the oldest and largest union of resident physicians in the U.S.


Los Angeles County Firefighters Local 1014, AFL-CIO

Local 1014 represents over 3,200 Fire Fighters, Supervising Fire Fighters, and union Fire Department personnel. Members serve and protect residents in the unincorporated areas of the County of Los Angeles and in 59 cities contracting with the County to provide fire protection and emergency medical services. 


Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association, MEBA, AFL-CIO

LACOLA represents more than 800 full- and part-time Ocean and Lake Lifeguards. Members provide public safety at 72 miles of County beaches from Zuma to Cabrillo, and the lakes of Castaic, Bonelli, and Santa Fe Dam. Members also provide lifeguards and paramedic services on Catalina Island, Avalon, and Isthmus. 


Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO

Representing approximately 1,500 skilled craft workers employed by the County of Los Angeles. The Building Trades Council in Los Angeles and Orange Counties is made up of 46 affiliates representing approximately 140,000 members.


International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 501, AFL-CIO

Local 501 represents approximately 200 members who are stationary engineers, dam operators, and wastewater treatment plant operators, most of whom complete a four-year apprenticeship program.


Professional Peace Officers Association, MEBA, AFL-CIO

PPOA proudly represents Los Angeles County employees of the Sheriff’s Department, District Attorney’s Office and the Department of the Medical Examiner-Coroner. Since 1951, PPOA has remained committed to continuing a tradition of success. PPOA is the exclusive representative for our five bargaining units and is 9,200 members strong.


Teamsters Local 911

Teamsters Local 911 represents Environmental Health Specialists fighting for better wages, benefits, and pensions. We stand ready to assist all members with knowledgeable and vigorous representation. We specialize in aggressive contract negotiations, exceptional leadership training, and assertive political participation.


Union of American Physicians and Dentists, AFSCME, AFL-CIO

Founded in 1972, the Union of American Physicians and Dentists has grown into the largest union representing licensed doctors in the United States. UAPD members work for the State of California, California counties, the State of Washington, non-profit healthcare clinics, and in private practice.


United for more than 30 years and affiliated with the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO.

Contact Information

2 Cupania Circle
Monterey Park, CA 91755

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